RSROC seeks to create an environment that is uplifting, fun, empowering and safe for all LGBTQ+ older adults. The values we embrace create the uplifting, supportive environment we desire.
At every level of RSROC we actively invoke the personal qualities of compassion, love, openness, kindness, friendship and forgiveness, as well as the organizational values of diversity, equity and inclusion, as being the best means of creating the welcoming community we aspire to be.
We have “zero tolerance” for interpersonal conflict, drama, harassment, bullying, emotional abuse or any form of bigotry, at any of our activities, and on any electronic platform we are associated with. We refer to such places as “No Conflict Zones”. Disruptive people will be asked to leave activities immediately. Violations of this policy will be addressed on a progressively more stringent basis up to permanent removal of a member with Board approval.
It is the policy of Rainbow Seniors ROC that our organization does not discriminate against current or prospective staff, board, volunteers, or recipients of services on the basis of race, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, or mental or physical disability or any other status prohibited by applicable law.
Anti-Racism Statement of Rainbow Seniors ROC
Ignoring racism is complicit.
In Rainbow Seniors ROC we are committed to radical inclusion, welcoming every individual as a respected and valued equal. We embrace difference and recognize other's unique journeys. Those who do not share these values pose a dilemma to this group, because ignoring their bias and racism is racist in itself.
We are at a time when people have to actively make a choice to tolerate racism by ignoring it or to say it is a new day and we want to rise to a higher level.
Rainbow Seniors ROC strives to be an actively anti-racist organization.
Many of us have struggled with confronting others when they exhibit overt bias, racism or bigotry.
We have felt the nauseating discomfort that comes when we feel compelled to ignore, or stay silent, about the racist, sexist, bigoted comments of friends or family members. Often our silence is an attempt to keep the peace. However, in our hearts we know that we should not keep a peace that allows injustice and bias to hurt others.
Justice and decency must underlie everything we do.
People who encourage division and hurt others with their words cannot be ignored.
As LGBTQ+ people, many of us have spent time encouraging others to stop their bigoted, biased comments and actions against us. We learned that people are capable of opening their hearts and minds. We helped others to learn that their words and actions were hurtful and damaging. We encourage d them to grow in their understanding and acceptance. We have seen that people can change.
Many of us had to learn how to open our own hearts to accept others, even within our own communities, that we saw as different. All are welcome at Rainbow Seniors and if someone, even one of our members, expresses bias or bigotry or makes hurtful comments we will step up and directly, yet respectfully, challenge each other. If a member of Rainbow Seniors publicly exhibits biased behaviors or continues such actions after being warned, they will be asked to leave our network.
We cannot navigate around those who appear incapable of embracing or considering change. Actively hurting others cannot be tolerated.
We are committed to making the world around us a better place. We are actively consulting with wise advisors to help us navigate these shifting awareness’s. We aim to find the path to having a healthy, loving social family and social justice as well.
We welcome all who share our goals.
Rainbow Seniors ROC Inc. is operating as a 501( c )(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
EIN #87-2141549. Donations are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Mailing Address:
Rainbow Seniors ROC Inc.
P.O. Box 90381
Rochester, NY 14609
Physical Address:
346 North Goodman St.
Rochester, NY 14607
Phone: 585-442-4469